Log in and log out
Here's how to log in and out of the Harry Potter: Magic Caster Wand mobile app. If you don't have an account, go to Create an account.
Note You don't need to log in to the app on your TV device. Instead, you just need to connect your TV device.
Log in
Here's how to log in:
- In the Magic Caster Wand mobile app, choose the Profile icon (house crest, lower right).
- Choose Log In.
Don't have an account? Go back and choose Register. - Do one of the following depending on your age:
- Adult account (over 13 in the UK, over 16 in the US): Enter your email address and password, and then choose Log In.
- Child account (13 or younger in the UK, 16 or younger in the US): Enter your username and password, and then choose Log In.
- If you're having trouble logging in. See Can't log in.
Once you're logged in, your name will appear at the top of the Profile screen. Here you can choose your Hogwarts House and Patronus. To learn more, see Magic Caster Wand profile and account.
Log out
Here's how to log out:
- In the Magic Caster Wand mobile app, choose the Profile icon (house crest, lower right).
- Choose the Settings icon (cog, upper right).
- Choose Log Out.